No matter where you’re hunting in the United States, you’ll need a hunting license or permit — sometimes more than one — to ensure a safe, legal hunt. From the plains of Kansas to the misty skies of Washington State, every state has a different (though similar) process for obtaining your license!
Curious as to how you should go about getting a hunting license in your state? We’ve rounded up an easy link resource, which you can find below:
Hunting license by state
Alabama: To hunt in Alabama, you’ll get your license from the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. All recreational licenses expire each year on August 31st, and you can purchase your license online or through a License Agent in-person. If you’re an Alabama resident, you can purchase a lifetime license.
Alaska: To hunt in Alaska, you can buy your hunting license online with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. However, Alaska has requirements for harvesting game and fur animals, as well — and those licenses, permits and harvest tickets must be required pre-hunt. Whether you’re participating in general season harvest or looking for big game, you’ll need the correct licensure.
Arizona: To hunt in Arizona, you can purchase your license from the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The licenses, which are valid for 365 days, can also be purchased online via an accredited license dealer.
Arkansas: To hunt in Arkansas, you’ll need to purchase a license from the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission. Arkansas also requires a WMA General Use Permit in order to hunt on public land. You can purchase your license online or through an authorized license vendor.

Photo Source: Catchin’ Deers
California: To hunt in California, you’ll go through the California Department of Fish & Wildlife. You can purchase these licenses online or through any CDFW License Sales Office or License Agent, and you may be required to purchase additional permits depending on the type of game you are hunting.
Colorado: To hunt in Colorado, you’ll purchase your license with the Colorado Parks & Wildlife Department. You can purchase in-person at a retail location, by phone at 1-800-244-5613, or online. You may also need to purchase an additional license for things like big game or turkey.
Connecticut: To hunt in Connecticut, you may purchase your licenses, stamps and permits online through the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. You can also purchase licenses via outdoor equipment retailers or certain local town halls.
Delaware: To hunt in Delaware, you can obtain a license, registration, permit, or pass from the Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife. If you need a stamp for hunting, you can purchase at your local post office.
Florida: To hunt in Florida, you can obtain a license online at, in person with a license agent or a tax collector, or by calling 888-HUNT-FLORIDA. Additional permits may need to be purchased as well.
Georgia: To hunt in Georgia, you can obtain your license online through the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division. You can also purchase your license, stamps or passes with a license agent or via phone at 1-800-366-2661.
Hawaii: To hunt in Hawaii, you can purchase your license online with the Division of Forestry and Wildlife. Licenses are always valid from the date of purchase through the end of the fiscal year.
Idaho: To hunt in Idaho, you can purchase your license online with the Idaho Department of Fish & Game. You can also purchase through a third-party vendor, at a Fish and Game regional office and online at 1-800-554-8685.
Illinois: To hunt in Illinois, you can purchase your license online via the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, as well as through an array of vendors.
Indiana: To hunt in Indiana, you’ll purchase your license online through the Indiana Fish & Wildlife Online License System.
Iowa: To hunt in Iowa, you can purchase a hunting license online at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. You can also buy a license through a local license retailer, as well.
Kansas: To hunt in Kansas, you can purchase your annual hunting license online through the Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks. You can also visit a Wildlife & Parks office, purchase through a license agent or call 1-800-918-2877.
Kentucky: To hunt in Kentucky, you’ll purchase your hunting license online through the Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources. You can purchase online, through any license agent or via phone at 877-598-2401.
Louisiana: To hunt in Louisiana, you can purchase your hunting license online, at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, or through local retailers. When purchasing your license online, you’ll print your license yourself, or save it to your mobile device.
Maine: To hunt in Maine, you’ll purchase your hunting license online or through the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife office in Augusta. You can also purchase via local agents, who are in multiple places throughout the state. If you’re buying a trapping license for the first time, you must purchase it at the Augusta office.
Maryland: To hunt in Maryland, you’ll get your hunting license from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. You can apply for a license online, with a license agent, or by mail from the Department of Natural Resources Service Center.
Massachusetts: To hunt in Massachusetts, you can buy a license from the Massachusetts MassWildlife office, online, or from a license vendor.
Michigan: To hunt in Michigan, you’ll purchase a license from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. You can buy your license online through the department, or buy it in store as well.
Minnesota: To hunt in Minnesota, you’ll need to purchase from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. You can apply depending on the type of animal you’re hunting, and you will need to provide your social security number as well.
Mississippi: To hunt in Mississippi, you’ll purchase from the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks. You can purchase online as well as in a local Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks office.
Missouri: To hunt in Missouri, you can purchase a hunting permit via the Missouri Department of Conservation. They can be purchased online, in-person at a MDC office, or from statewide vendors.
Montana: To hunt in Montana, you can either purchase a hunting permit online or over the counter through Montana’s Fish, Wildlife & Parks Department. Special licenses must be obtained and purchased in a drawing.
Nebraska: To hunt in Nebraska, you’ll purchase a license online or in-person through the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission. You may also enter the lottery for certain species, like bighorn sheep.
New Mexico: To hunt in New Mexico, you must purchase your license from the Game & Fish Department. There are also certain requirements for different areas of land in the state, and you may need additional licensing.
New York: To hunt in New York, you’ll go through the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. You can purchase your hunting license online, by phone or with a licensing agent.
New Jersey: To hunt in New Jersey, you’ll go through the state’s Division of Fish and Wildlife. You may purchase your license in person through a licensing agency, as well as in person if you have proper certification documentation from a hunting safety course.
North Dakota: To hunt in North Dakota, you may purchase your license online, at a license vender, or in-person at a North Dakota Game & Fish Department office
Ohio: To hunt in Ohio, you’ll go through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. You may purchase online via Ohio’s Wildlife Licensing System, though you can also purchase in-person.
Oklahoma: To hunt in Oklahoma, you’ll purchase an annual license through Oklahoma’s wildlife department. You may have to purchase additional licenses depending on the animal you’re hunting.
Oregon: To hunt in Oregon, you’ll purchase via the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. You can purchase annually online or in-person.
Pennsylvania: To hunt in Pennsylvania, you’ll go through Pennsylvania’s Game Commission. Y9ou can purchase online or in-person at a license agent.
Rhode Island: To hunt in Rhode Island, you’ll go through the Department of Environmental Management. You can purchase online or in-person via a license agent.
South Carolina: To hunt in South Carolina, you’ll go through the state’s natural resources department. You’ll be able to purchase online or in-person.
South Dakota: To hunt in South Dakota, you’ll obtain your hunting license from the Department of Game, Fish, & Parks. You may apply & purchase online or in-person with a licensing agent.
Tennessee: To hunt in Tennessee, you’ll go through the Wildlife Resources Agency and Go Outdoors Tennessee. You may purchase your license online, but in-person is an option as well.
Texas: To hunt in Texas, you’ll apply and purchase your license via the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. You may purchase online or via a licensing agent.
Utah: To hunt in Utah, you’ll purchase your hunting license with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. You can buy permits online or in person.
Vermont: To hunt in Vermont, you’ll go through the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. You may purchase online, and, if necessary, purchase in-person or through the mail.
Virginia: To hunt in Virginia, you’ll obtain a license through the Virginia DWR. You can purchase online via Go Outdoors Virginia, in-person, by phone or through dropbox.
Washington: To hunt in Washington State, you’ll go through the Department of Fish & Wildlife. You can purchase your license online, or in person.
West Virginia: To hunt in West Virginia, you’ll go through the West Virginia DWR. You can purchase online or through a licensing agent.
Wisconsin: To hunt in Wisconsin, you’ll purchase your license via the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. It’s easiest to purchase online, though in-person is also an option.
Wyoming: To hunt in Wyoming, you’ll go through the Wyoming Game & Fish Department. Purchase your license online via the online application program or over the counter.
No matter where you’re hunting, a safety course is a requirement for your license. Luckily you’re in the right place with HUNTINGsmart! Register here for our hunting safety courses which are narrated, engaging and animated for maximum learning — and safety.