BOATsmart! Base de connaissances du Canada 

Module 04 - Safe Boat Operation

Loading People and Equipment

Loading your boat improperly, either by overloading it or by uneven weight distribution, can result in unpredictable boat handling. This will increase your risk of being swamped by a wave and may cause a capsizing emergency.

When loading a pleasure craft:


Consult the pleasure craft’s Compliance Notice and ensure that:

  • Equipment and people do not exceed the ‘recommended gross load capacity’ of the craft
  • The number of people onboard does not exceed ‘the equivalent number of adult persons’ the craft is capable of safely carrying


Ensure each passenger is wearing a properly fitted and approved PFD or lifejacket.


The operator should board first and then assist each passenger aboard.


Position equipment and people so that weight is equally distributed and as low as possible throughout the craft.


Each person should be properly seated and positioned before the next person comes aboard.


Ensure all equipment is securely fastened and stored properly to prevent uncontrolled shifting once the craft is underway–you should stow gear in lockers that are easily accessible in case of emergency and as low as possible to help stabilize the craft.

Always be sure to load people and equipment so that weight is equally distributed throughout your boat. This will keep your boat ‘level’ in the water, ensure greater stability and reduce the likelihood that your boat could Capsize. Be sure to maintain the weight distribution of passengers and load while underway.

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