BOATsmart! Base de connaissances du Canada 

Module 04 - Safe Boat Operation

Effects of Being on the Water

You should remember that certain effects of being on the water can impair your judgment and ability to operate your craft safely. These effects include:

  • The motion of your pleasure craft
  • Sunlight
  • Wind
  • Waves
  • Sound

These effects (individually or in combination with each other) may impair your balance, sense of coordination, reflexes, response time, eyesight, hearing and judgment. If you find that any of your senses are impaired you should immediately seek a safe harbour and shade yourself from direct sunlight.

Be aware of the effects of being on the water–both on yourself and on your passengers. Take steps to reduce these effects by ensuring that you wear appropriate protection from the elements including sunglasses, sunscreen and a visor or hat.

Be well rested when planning to operate your craft for extended periods and ensure that you consume ample liquids (such as water or juice) to keep hydrated. You should never consume alcohol or controlled substances when operating a pleasure craft.

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