BOATsmart! Canada
Knowledge Base
Module 02 - Boating Rules, Regulations, and Equipment
What is a Compliance Notice?
A Compliance Notice is a statement from your boats’ manufacturer or importer. The Compliance Notice confirms that the boat has been built according to the construction requirements outlined in the Small Vessel Regulations. The notice must be attached to the helm of the boat, where it can be clearly seen from the operator’s seat.
Remember: Your Compliance Notice may look different depending on the size and type of your boat, when your boat was manufactured, and when the Compliance Notice was issued.
A boat must be fitted with a compliance notice if:
- It is less than 24m in length; AND
- Is equipped with a motor, or can be equipped with a motor
Boats that are longer than 24 m in length are exempt from having a Compliance Notice.
What Information is on a compliance notice
Compliance Notices for boats less than 6 meters in length provide three important pieces of information:
- Recommended gross load capacity: This is the maximum weight your boat is designed to carry including persons, gear, equipment, supplies, fuel and motor assembly.
- Recommended safe limits of engine power: This is the maximum limit of horsepower (engine size) based on the boat’s gross load capacity.
- Maximum number of adults: This is the maximum number of adult persons that your boat can safely carry.
Safe Boating Tip: A boat’s recommended capacity is based on safe boat operation in good weather conditions. Always be aware of the limitations and handling characteristics of your boat and NEVER overload it.

Get your Official Canadian
Boating License
The Official Transport Canada Boating Course, Test & License.
Get your Official Canadian
Boating License
The Official Transport Canada Boating
Course, Test & License.