BOATsmart! Canada
Knowledge Base
Module 02 - Boating Rules, Regulations, and Equipment
Pleasure Craft License
A Pleasure Craft License is a document that contains identification (ID) numbers for your boat. They can be used by search and rescue organizations to access important information about your boat in the event of an emergency.
A Pleasure Craft License is required for boats with a motor of 10 hp (7.5 KW) or more, that are mostly operated or kept in Canada, unless the boat has been registered.
For identification purposes, the Pleasure Craft License ID numbers must be displayed on your boat in a clearly visible location above your boats waterline as far forward as possible, on both side of the boat’s bow. The numbers must be in block letters, at least 7.5 cm (3”) high, and must contrast with the colour of the boat.
Boat owners can obtain a 10 year license for free online from the Pleasure Craft Licensing Centre. A copy of the license must be carried onboard during operation.
Remember: A Pleasure Craft License does NOT provide you with proof of ownership for your boat. You can obtain proof of ownership by having your boat registered.

Get your Official Canadian
Boating License
The Official Transport Canada Boating Course, Test & License.
Get your Official Canadian
Boating License
The Official Transport Canada Boating
Course, Test & License.