BOATsmart! Canada
Knowledge Base
Module 03 - Before Heading Out
Launching and Loading Your Boat
Launch Ramp Courtesy
When launching or loading your boat at a public boat launch, always remember to be courteous to other boaters. Never hog the ramp, and always be prepared to launch and load your boat efficiently.
Here are a few basic launch ramp courtesy tips:
- When you arrive at the boat launch area, always park away from ramp, never block the ramp with your vehicle.
- If you need to inspect the launch area, walk over to check it out - don’t park in front of the ramp.
- Load any gear and equipment, and remove any tie-down straps away from the launch area.
- Wait until the launch area is clear, before backing your boat into the water.
- Once your boat has been launched, move both your boat, and towing vehicle away from the launch area as efficiently as possible, to make room for other boaters.

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Boating License
The Official Transport Canada Boating Course, Test & License.
Get your Official Canadian
Boating License
The Official Transport Canada Boating
Course, Test & License.