BOATsmart! USA Knowledge Base
Module 01 - Boating Basics
Boat Registration and Documentation
All motorized boats are required to be registered. Some states also require registration for non-motorized boats. These requirements will vary depending on the state in which you’re boating.
Requirements for Registration Documentation and the External Display of Numbers
When you register your boat with your state, you will receive a Registration Certificate (wallet-sized card) and the registration number that must be displayed on the outside of your boat.
What is the Registration Number?
The registration number is a mix of letters and numbers that begins with the abbreviation of the state where your boat is registered. For example, if you registered your boat in Florida, your registration number would begin with: ‘FL’.
Where to Display Your Boat’s Registration Number:
The registration number must be permanently attached to each side of the forward half of the boat. You must be able to read the numbers from left to right. The numbers must also be in a color the contrasts with the color of your boat.
Remember that requirements for the external display of numbers may vary from state-to-state. Be sure to check your state laws.
What is a Registration Certificate?
Your boat’s Registration Certificate is a document that proves that your boat is registered. The certificate must be renewed every year and must be kept on the boat during operation.
As the boat owner, you are responsible for keeping the documentation up-to-date. You can expect a reminder in the mail before the expiration date arrives.
Don’t forget about boat registration—you may receive a penalty or fine if you fail to meet the boat registration requirements for the state in which you are boating!
Note: Be aware that many states also require your boat to have a validation sticker or decal. This decal must be placed within 6 inches of your boat’s registration number, either before or after the number, according to your state’s requirements. Like the registration certificate, this decal is usually renewed annually.

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