BOATsmart! USA Knowledge Base

Module 01 - Boating Basics

Federal Documentation

Federal documentation is optional for boat owners and is accepted globally as a certificate of boat ownership and nationality. Basically, if your boat is federally documented, it’s protected as an official ‘Vessel of The United States’ and if it’s ever stolen, the crime will be placed under federal jurisdiction.

To federally document your boat, you must be a U.S. citizen and your boat must weigh at least 5 net tons or be at least 25feet in length.

To be valid, a Certificate of Documentation must be:

  • The original documentation (photocopies of the original will not be accepted).
  • On your boat at all times.
  • Up-to-date (not expired).
  • Signed by the Director of the National Vessel Documentation Center.

Advantages of federal documentation:

  • Documentation provides conclusive evidence of nationality for international purposes. 
  • Documentation provides for unhindered commerce between the states, and admits boats to certain restricted trades, such as coastwise trade and the fisheries.

Federal documentation is required for: 

  • Boats of 5 net tons or more used in fishing activities on navigable waters of the U.S. or in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), or used in coastwise trade (unless the boat is exempt from documentation).

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