BOATsmart! USA Knowledge Base
Module 02 - Boating Equipment
Visual Distress Signal Requirements
Your boat’s carrying requirements for visual distress signals depend on the boat’s size and whether the boat is powered, sail-powered or human-powered.
The following boats do not require day signals but must carry night signals if they’re on the water between sunset and sunrise:
- Human-powered boats.
- Recreational boats less than 16 feet in length.
- Wind-powered sailboats that are less than 26 feet in length.
- Boats that are part of an organized event (like a race).
For all other boats, the following combinations of visual distress signals can be carried onboard to meet Coast Guard requirements:
Option 1
Three Handheld Red Flares (day and night).
Option 2
One Handheld Red Flare and two Red Meteors (day and night).
Option 3
One Handheld Orange Smoke Signal (day), two Floating Orange Smoke Signals (day) and one Electric Distress Light (night only).
Note: It’s illegal to make or to report a fake distress signal. Sending out a ‘false alarm’ could make a response team unavailable during a real emergency.

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