BOATsmart! USA Knowledge Base
Module 03 - Getting on the Water
How To Return to the Dock (Using the Wind or Current):
STEP 1: Ensure all passengers are seated securely with their feet and hands inside the craft.
STEP 2: Then, use the wind or current, as appropriate to the conditions:
- If there is no wind or current: Turn your boat slowly as you approach the dock at a 45° angle in order to come to a parallel resting position. If necessary, operate in reverse to control the position of your boat.
- If the wind or current is pushing your boat toward the dock (onshore wind): Approach the dock slowly at a 10° to 20° angle (you want the boat to drift toward the dock).
- If the wind or current is pushing your boat away from the dock (offshore wind): Approach the dock at a manageable speed and at an angle steeper than 45° (the angle of approach is steeper when the current is stronger).
STEP 3: Remember that your boat does not have brakes and will require a minimum distance to come to a stop. The stopping distance will also vary depending on speed, load, wind and water conditions.
There are four key factors to keep in mind when you’re docking your boat:
- Preparation.
- Traffic.
- Wind.
- Current.
Here’s a helpful reminder—the acronym for these words (PTWC) is the same as this memorable sentence: ‘Position The Water Craft’.
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