BOATsmart! USA Knowledge Base

Safe Responsible Boat Operation

    1. Environmental Laws and Regulations
    2. Litter Laws
    3. The Disposal of Toxic Substances
    4. Information Placards and Waste Management Plans
    5. Human Waste Disposal
    6. Human Waste Disposal Continued
    7. Aquatic Nuisance Species
    8. Boating and Alcohol and/or Drug Use
    9. The Effects of Drinking Alcohol and/or Using Drugs While Operating a Boat
    10. The negative effects of drinking alcohol while boating include:
    11. The Boat Operator’s Ultimate Responsibilities
    12. Using Common Courtesy
    13. Obeying No Wake/Limited Wake Restrictions
    14. Negligent, Careless or Reckless Boat Operation
    15. Homeland Security Measures
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