HUNTINGsmart! USA Knowledge Base



Two-Handed Stance

Stand up straight and square your body to the target. Your feet should be positioned shoulder-width apart with your weight distributed evenly. This position should feel solid and balanced. Your knees should be straight but not locked. Stretch out both arms towards the target and lock your elbows. Keep your head up and control your breathing before firing. As you fire, continue pulling the trigger steadily to its rearmost position and hold it there briefly after the round has fired. Maintain your site picture after firing and be prepared to fire again, if needed.

One-Handed Stance

This is a more challenging position to shoot from and it’s ONLY meant for handguns. It’s literally twice as difficult to be accurate when shooting with only one hand. If you want to try, make sure you’re standing up straight with your body turned about 45° from the target. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your weight should be distributed evenly on both feet. This position should feel solid and balanced. Make sure your knees are straight but not locked. Stretch out your firing arm toward the target. Lock your elbow and wrist. Keep your head up and control your breathing. Your free hand will probably feel awkward—you should try to anchor it when firing to help stabilize your body movement. Try putting your free hand in your front pocket.


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