HUNTINGsmart! USA Knowledge Base
RECOIL ADVICE: Roll With the Punches
Despite what you might think, it’s the big guys who get the worst of it. Willowy folks have little choice but to roll with the punch, but hunters in the 200 lbs. + category will hold their ground and absorb the recoil like a linebacker. So, no matter your size, just try to roll with the recoil energy and leave a little ‘give’ to absorb the punch.
Watch Your Form, Slim Jim
Smaller hunters have a habit of leaning back and allowing their legs help their upper body support the weight of the firearm. If you aren’t tipping the scales, this bad (and common) habit will tilt your form and the recoil will rock you backwards, resulting in a bruised tailbone, a rogue muzzle and dangerously unsuccessful shot.