HUNTINGsmart! USA Knowledge Base



Hunting on private property is a privilege you are given at request. A lot of hunters have a farmer buddy who lets them use their property during the season to hunt game. Asking permission is your first step and not every landowner will say yes. Never assume that because other hunters are allowed on that property that you will be too. Trespassing is illegal in most states so don’t give hunters a bap rep and risk a fine by jumping a fence that you shouldn’t.

Check This Out: Be Farmer-Friendly

Farmers work hard enough. Show their calluses some respect by leaving all gates as you find them and making sure you cross any fences carefully to avoid loosening the wires and posts.

Questions to Ask the Landowner:

  • How long can I hunt on the property for?
  • Should I expect to see other hunters on the property?
  • Are there any boundaries I should be aware of? Or crops that shouldn’t be walked through?
  • Is there going to be any livestock in the fields? Do you have pets?
  • Can I use my ATV/boat/truck on the property?
  • Is there electric fencing on the property?

Wise Words: Keep It Classy

Thank the landowner. It’s important to maintain a good relationship if you want to be welcomed back in the future. You can return the favor by offering to share the meat with them. Landowners and farmers will also really appreciate it if you let them know of any broken fences, downed trees or flooded roads you come across. They won’t however, appreciate finding your garbage or seeing that your ATV trampled their standing crops.

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