HUNTINGsmart! USA Knowledge Base

Module 12 - BOWHUNTING



The bowstring creates the energy needed to propel the arrow. On a longbow or recurve bow the bowstring attaches to the limbs. On a compound bow the bowstring attaches to the cable. Most modern bowstrings are made of non-stretch materials.

String silencer:

The string silencer is made of strands of material that are attached to the string to prevent vibration and noise after the string has been released.

Kisser button:

This marker is permanently attached to the bowstring. It helps to anchor the bow and is supposed to touch your lips or ‘kisser’ when you reach full draw.


This material is wrapped around the bowstring to prevent wear and tear. Commonly done at the center section and/or loop ends of the string.

Nock locator:

A device that’s located on the center serving of the bowstring. The nock locator is used to position the end of the arrow.

Release aid:

This is a hand-held, mechanical device that temporarily attaches to the bowstring to help draw and release the string.

Check This Out: Beat the ‘Creep’

Your bowstring will gradually stretch out or develop ‘creep’ from use. When ‘creep’ happens, you’ll need to bring the string back to the right length by temporarily removing it and adding a few twists to take up the unwanted length. Your bowstring will creep the most when it's first used, so break it in! Fire at least 150 arrows at a target and then fine-tune the string to be the perfect length for you before you go hunting.

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