HUNTINGsmart! USA Knowledge Base

Module 12 - BOWHUNTING


Smoothness and consistency are the two main factors to getting your arrow where you want it to go. This applies to bow sight users and instinctive aimers. 


Select the right sight pin for the distance between you and the game animal and then line it up with your target. Allow the sight pin to sort of ‘float’ on and around the target because lining it up perfectly isn’t really possible. Most hunters find that their arms will shake slightly when the bow is drawn. Once you’ve lined up the pin and target, hold the bow steady for a moment, watch your breathing, wait for the pin to float into the right spot and then smoothly release the arrow. The entire motion should feel fluid and smooth. If it’s jerky, snappy or awkward, you’re doing something wrong.




Check This Out: Pin Or Target? 

You can’t focus your eye on both the target and the sight pin at the same time. Go ahead and try, see how that goes for you. Before you go cross-eyed from the effort, try doing this instead: Focus on the sight pin, not the animal to get the most accurate shot. 


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