HUNTINGsmart! USA Knowledge Base



Mind your manners.

We have to respect the opinions of non-hunters because their viewpoint didn’t just appear out of thin air. Even if you disagree with them, always show good form. The opinions non-hunters have about hunting probably came from either a personal bad experience or through word-of-mouth. They may have simply heard talk of a bad hunting incident and unfortunately, that moment of ill-representation can be all it takes to tarnish the sport for someone.

Realize how significant your actions are.

One irresponsible hunter can have an incredibly damaging domino effect on public opinion. Undoing the work of dedicated conservationists and disrespecting the hunting community by breaking the law, offending the public or acting irresponsibly is well, irresponsible. Don’t drop the domino.

Wield your power well.

You’re a member of this great tradition now, so everything you say, do and wear (even when you’re not hunting) will impact the public’s opinion of hunters and of hunting as a sport. Be respectful to others—treat your hunting gear like it was a uniform and wear it with pride. Never walk around town covered in blood or drive around with a dead buck in view. You’re a hunter now and the potential you have to influence public attitudes on hunting, is huge.

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