SLEDsmart! USA Knowledge Base
Module 04 - Rider Skills
There is trail etiquette involved, even when you’re just bringing your sled to a stop.
When pulling over, or stopping, remember to always:
- Pull over to the right as far as possible.
- Ensure you've left enough room on the left side of the trail for others to safely pass you and for any oncoming snowmobiles.
- Always stop on a flat area and NEVER stop at a curve in the trail or on a hill. You'll become invisible to other riders and will be a hazard to yourself and others.
Stopping distance is calculated as: Reaction Time Distance + Braking Distance.
‘Braking distance’ is the distance traveled while the brake is engaged and the machine is slowing to a complete stop. The braking distance will depend on two factors: the speed you’re traveling and the amount of drag. Drag is the friction between the track and terrain (i.e. fluffy powder vs. wet heavy stuff vs. ice, etc.). Stopping distances will vary depending on the terrain, your speed, the weather and the snowmobiles track and paddle depth, so do the math in your head before hitting the brakes!