SLEDsmart! USA Knowledge Base

Module 05 - Rider Responsibility


Owning and/or operating any type of sled comes with rider responsibility. Why? Because we need to make sure that riders can continue to use trails for years to come. The sport freedom riders have is only granted through the continued practice of safe, courteous operation. Riders must also continue to respect the natural environment, other trail users and owners of private property.

Basically, this means play by the rules, or take up a different sport.

The ‘Understand This’ List:

  • We owe it to our outdoor playground to take care of it. Everyone using both state and public lands is responsible for the impact they have on the environment.
  • Snowmobiles are loud machines. Make sure your muffler is working properly.
  • Know the rules and regulations that govern the area where you’re riding and find out about any restrictions before you hit the trail.
  • Avoid widening the trails and damaging the environment.
  • Respect others on the trail by always following other riders at a safe distance and only passing others on the trail once you’ve received a ‘go-ahead’ confirmation from them. Look for a hand signal.
  • Always yield to non-motorized trail traffic, such as horseback riders, cross-country skiers, etc.
  • Use proper fuelling procedures to ensure that no gasoline hits the ground… ever.
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