SLEDsmart! USA Knowledge Base

Module 07 - Emergency Prep & Outdoor Survival


Hypothermia occurs when your core body temperature drops below 95°F. This is when your body is losing heat faster than it can generate it when and your vital internal organs are losing their ability to function. Falling through the ice isn’t the only way to get hypothermia when snowmobiling. Exposure to cold air as well as other factors, like exhaustion, can cause hypothermia and unfortunately, hypothermia is a major cause of death among outdoor enthusiasts.

Death by freezing is what we’re trying to avoid, but it’s also very important to know that someone experiencing the early stages of hypothermia will have severely impaired judgment, which may lead to operator mistakes and poor decision-making. You don’t want someone operating a sled if their ability to make good choices has been compromised.

Your snowmobile suit and cold weather gear are designed to keep adventurous riders like you alive in cold weather. Make sure you’re properly equipped for your snowmobile trip.

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