SLEDsmart! USA Knowledge Base

Module 07 - Emergency Prep & Outdoor Survival


Food is not as important as you may think. I mean, it’s definitely a good idea to pack high-protein snacks like energy bars in your survival pack but humans can actually survive for weeks without food. Water on the other hand – you’re as good as dead in a few days if you don’t have a water source. So pack lots of drinking water (humans need 2-3 quarts a day) and also carry water purification tablets so you can sanitize water in an emergency. You can also boil water or snow to sanitize it. Bring it to a rolling boil, then let it cool before drinking it. Remember, a crisp mountain stream might look nice on an Evian commercial, but it could be full of parasites. Seriously, a rotten deer carcass could be just one mile up the river from your drinking spot.


Hunting skills are great to have if you’re lost in the backcountry. However, if you manage to kill an animal while you’re stranded in the outdoors, you need to make sure the meat is 100% cooked before eating it. Even if it’s been days since your last meal and you’ve never been so hungry, you have to make sure the meat has been on the fire long enough to be cooked through. If not, you’ll be at high risk of getting food poisoning and getting sick in an already dicey survival situation will only make things ten times worse… maybe even fatal.

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