SLEDsmart! USA Knowledge Base

Module 07 - Emergency Prep & Outdoor Survival


Building a fire in a survival situation is not like building a fire during a camping trip. Well it is, but the pressure is much higher when you’re cold and don’t have a fire pit, pre-cut firewood and marshmallows to roast. So listen up.

Step 1: Find a Fireplace

Pick a good spot to build a fire. Like an area that’s against a rock, a wall or a pile of logs that will reflect the fire’s heat back toward your shelter. To make flames dance on a snow base, you’ll need to create a skid-like platform of rocks or wet logs to place it on. You’ll also need to remember to never build your fire under snow-covered trees because the sparks and heat will melt the snow on the overhanging branches. A leaky roof won’t do your fire any favors.

Step 2: Collect Kindling and Dry Wood

A commercial fire starter is going to be your best option for getting a fire to burn quickly—they start easily and they burn white-hot. If you don’t have one in your survival kit, you’ll need to gather any small twigs, wood shavings, bark, dry leaves, grass or paper you can find. These dry materials will be used to create a highly flammable base.

Step 3: Assemble Your Fire

Pile your kindling so it looks like a bird’s nest. Then pile the larger pieces of wood in a ‘teepee’ shape on top of the kindling pile. Can’t find dry wood? Make some by using a knife to scrape off any wet bark until you hit dry wood underneath. If the wood underneath looks greenish in color, it won’t burn. Have a side stash of firewood and kindling ready in case it burns off faster than you expect it to - you won’t want to spend the night in the dark.

Step 4: Light It Up

Light the kindling on fire. Whatever source of flame you use—lighter, matches, rock sparks or magic—just be sure to light your kindling from the end where the wind is blowing from—this will help those first flickers of flame spread toward the rest of the kindling and up to the wood above. 


Carry waterproof, butane lighters in your survival kit. They are the absolute most reliable option for lighting your fire. You should also carry waterproof matches. In fact, a couple of both to be safe… or don’t pack them and try hitting rocks together to light your fire with sparks… just kidding – PACK A LIGHTER.


Black smoke is easier for rescuers to see during the daytime and against a snowy background. To burn a black smoke signal, throw any petroleum-based products you can spare on the fire, like oily rags or bits of rubber. Be location-minded though—if you’re surrounded by a pine forest, white smoke will actually stand out better on the dark green foliage. You can produce white smoke by burning wet leaves and branches (use wood that’s green underneath the bark).

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